Grades 9-12

Unit 4

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Unit Lesson Essential Skills
4. Alternative Fuels and the Cars of Tomorrow 1. Getting Oriented: The Move to Alternative Fuels English, Language Arts, and Reading; Science; Social Studies; Agricultural Science and Technology Education
2. Clean Fuels: Availability and Distribution Science; Social Studies
3. Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Operation, Maintenance, and Refueling Science; Social Studies

Unit 4: Alternative Fuels and the Cars of Tomorrow

Through reading, class discussion, community research, and presentations, these lessons cover the subject of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles from a variety of different angles. Students will learn about the changing transportation system and the need to develop and use alternative fuels, as well as the availability, safe distribution, and social and environmental costs of fuels. Finally, students will examine the issues and questions that emerge when one considers using an alternative vehicle on a daily basis.

Teacher Guide

Subjects Addressed:

English, Language Arts, and Reading; Environmental Systems; Geology, Meteorology, and Oceanography; Social Studies; United States History Studies Since Reconstruction; and Agricultural Science and Technology Education

This unit is designed to offer you maximum flexibility. The lessons can be taught as a whole (all lessons), or individual lessons and activities maybe extracted and taught separately as a complement to other materials you may be using. Note: not all alternative fuel vehicles are cleaner than gas vehicles.

Essential Questions:

How is the transportation system changing?
What are the social and environmental costs of using alternative fuels?
What would it be like to drive an alternative fuel vehicle?


Lesson 1: Getting Oriented: The Move to Alternative Fuels
Students will find out about the ever-changing transportation system and the move to alternative fuels.

Lesson 2: Clean Fuels: Availability and Distribution
This lesson helps students identify and explain available alternative fuels and the challenges and ramifications of their long-term use.

Lesson 3: Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Operation, Maintenance, and Refueling
Students will learn about the changes that would be needed and that would occur on a community and personal level with adoption of alternative fuel vehicles.

Clean Air Tips