Grades 6-8

Unit 3

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Unit Lesson Essential Skills
3. Automania: Driving Clean Today 1. What Is Ridesharing? Social Studies
2. Carpooling and the Environment English, Language Arts, and Reading; Science; Social Studies
3. Intermodal Challenge: Getting Around Clean and Green English, Language Arts, and Reading; Mathematics; Social Studies

Unit 3: Automania: Driving Clean Today

Driving less, carpooling, and finding alternatives to driving are important, air-friendly actions. This unit includes lessons that emphasize the importance of changing the way we think about transportation and the way we use our vehicles.

Lesson one explains the concept of ridesharing and demonstrates the impact ridesharing (driving less) can have on the environment. Lesson two builds upon concepts gained in lesson one by explaining what carpooling is. Students study the extent it occurs in our community and learn how to set up a carpooling network. Lesson three pulls several "drive less" concepts together and culminates with students planning an environmentally sound outing that requires the use of several modes of travel. This unit debunks the idea students may have that driving alone in a vehicle is the sole and best way to get where they're going.

Teacher Guide

Subjects Addressed:

English, Language Arts, and Reading; Mathematics; Science; Social Studies; and Health Education

This unit is designed to offer you maximum flexibility. The lessons can be taught as a whole, or individual lessons and activities may be extracted and taught separately as a complement to other materials you may be using.

Essential Questions:

What is the best way to get where I need to go?
Now, what's the most "air-friendly" way to get there?
Does carpooling work?
What are the benefits of walking and biking? To your health? To our environment?


Lesson 1: What Is Ridesharing?
Students will learn what the term "ridesharing" means and why it is important to air quality.

Lesson 2: Carpooling and the Environment
This lesson explains what carpooling is and how to set up a carpooling network, and helps students discover the extent it occurs in our community.

Lesson 3: Intermodal Challenge: Getting Around Clean and Green
This lesson is designed to open students' eyes to the possibilities that exist for getting around without just driving.

Clean Air Tips