Activity Book

TEX and DOT, long established transportation experts (despite being youngsters), are thoroughly excited about teaming up with Cool Jay and Ollie Ozone. TEX and DOT's pals can fly up where the ozone is bad—way up in the sky—and Cool Jay knows a lot about cars and air pollution. He spends a lot of time around cars.

Cool Jay is the leading source for conveying the Drive Clean messages in ways children can understand. TEX and DOT learn a lot about what happens on bad ozone days and how their favorite subject, transportation, plays a role in air quality. And their friend Ollie? Well, he's got rubber for brains, but he knows how to warn kiddos about bad ozone. All together, they're the hippest Clean Air Crew on the block. And they're coming to a school near you!

Air Quality Coloring & Activity Book

English Version
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Spanish Version
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The Clean Air Crew Video (grades K-5)

The Clean Air Crew video, introducing TEX, DOT, Cool Jay, and Ollie Ozone in their first-ever animated form, is now available. This six-minute video teams the Clean Air Crew against the dreaded "Smog King," who relishes polluted skies. TEX and DOT teach their classmates simple steps everyone can do to improve air quality and defeat the Smog King! You may order a free DVD copy of the video or view it online (44MB) using a Windows Media player. (Plug-ins).

cover of the Clean Air Crew video
Clean Air Tips