Grades 6-8
Middle School 6-8
On behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Drive Clean Across Texas (DCAT) would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their thoroughly and thoughtfully produced educational material.
DCAT personnel searched the nation's wealth of air quality educational material and selected a number of high quality units and lessons to use in the creation of the DCAT curriculum. As a campaign funded by TxDOT, TCEQ, and the Federal Highway Administration, we searched for material relevant to transportation-related air quality. Many of these lessons are presented as they were originally conceived. However, in an effort to localize the air quality curriculum to Texas and to better fit the lessons to DCAT campaign messages, some changes have been made. We invite you to visit the websites listed below for original content. The individuals and organizations below have also been credited within the lessons where appropriate.
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Lesson Plans from TCEQ's Teaching Environmental Sciences (TES) - United States Environmental Protection Agency
"Guide to Environmental Issues"
"What You Can Do to Reduce Air Pollution" - Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)
"Getting Around Without Gasoline"
"Getting Around Clean and Green"
(including: a lesson by Denny Dart, EPA Region 1) - Lois Myers, Stephen F. Austin University Nacogdoches TES Course, 1994
"Pollution: Let's Clean Up Our Act" - National Wildlife Federation